Personal Numerological Forecast / Year 2025 Success Map_Online Consultations

£24.00 - £66.00 On Sale

Who doesn't want to rule the future?!

We all are very hopeful when it comes to the beginning of a New Year or a new era. We want changes and we hope that the next corner is going to be the exact scenario we are looking for. But little we know about the powers and tools we can use to help ourselves to make this happen.

We mostly rely on destiny. We hope that our lucky moment will come. What about getting to know yourself a little better? Get to know your energies, powers and the tools you can use to amplify your chances for better happier year ahead?

To recognize your specific energies, powers, pitfalls and tools I am going to use Tibetan Numerology that can give us all the answers and hints on all your questions. The Numerological Formula can help us see how your energy channels get blocked or released; to see where your Life Purpose lies or what are the keys to your Financial Energy Channel. It can help you see why your Relationships always felt so complicated, even though you did your very best;

Another option you have is to create the Personal Numerological Success Map for Year 2025. Depending on whether you are entering your Personal Family or Expansion Year, or maybe Year of Karmic Return Year your personal map will guide you through the year pitfalls and help to make the best to pass it on higher vibration.

All consultations will be offered online via WhatsApp or Zoom.
We are not limited to UK and followers from other countries are welcome.

You can book yourself for following consultations/charts:

* General Numerology Chart - Will focus on your 5 Main Energies, that define your blessings and curses. Recognizing what those energies are about helps us understand why certain patterns happen in our lives and what are the keys to getting our success and living in full energy. Consultation length - 20mins

* General Numerology Chart + Financial Triangle - Will cover your 5 Main Energies and will get to look into your financial Triangle to see what opens your Financial Channel and what keeps it blocked. It will show you the tools to increase your income and use your energy in your favour and not against it. Consultation Length -30mins

* General Numerology Chart + Financial Triangle + Personal Year - Will cover your 5 Main Energies, will give Financial Channel tools and will look into what kind of year you should expect in 2025 and get advice to create your best case scenario for that year. Consultation Length - 1 hour

Price for above-mentioned consultations are as follows:
- General Numerology Chart - 5 Main Energies - £33 (20mins online consultation)
- General Numerology Chart + Financial Triangle- £48 (30 mins online consultation)
- General Numerology Chart + Financial Triangle + Year 2025 Chart - £66 (1hour )

Once you booked your consultation, please get in touch via our pages (fb or Instagram) or email: [email protected] to arrange date and time of consultation.


Consultations are non-refundable once purchased, but transferrable to another name, may you decide to gift those elsewhere. Tibetan Numerology was recognized worldwide as science, yet it does not give health advice or future prediction advise. As well as do not replace health specialist services or exclude any other health and wellbeing related services or treatments. The advice given is the best of the knowledge and expect to be accepted with care and open-mindedness.
